2 June 2024 - 12:33
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CHART - The first 20's
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PosUserImage Description
1wushSò troppo Saturato!! Sò troppo AMBITION!! ^^
3Fedy78Più AMBITION di così...
4China_GirlMad for AMBITION... Rose, sticker and my little TATOO!
5Mary-cosplaycaldo caraibico d'inverno??...troppo ambition!!!!!XD
6bryanAnche in Norvegia sono TROPPO AMBITION
7cazzimmamanPiù AMBITION di così..........
Lucca cosplay 3/11/07....
dopo poco che il presentatore ha spiegato il concorso di ambition......
8biankaMi piacerebbe saperla guidare... Chi mi insegna?
TROPPO AMBITION il salone della Moto a Milano!
9China_GirlRiscio' Cinese molto AMBITION... Ciao da CINA!!!
10Lara82Il mio lato migliore.... o quasi!
11Mary-cosplaydirettamente dai Caraibi, un capodanno troppo Ambition!!!
12EmanuelaBuon Natale TROPPO AMBITION
13Roby3Tanto posso smettere quando voglio!!!
14kikinucciaMi sento AMBITION tanto così...
15Roby_The_GreatDirei che è un'auto parecchio AMBITION... anche se con il caro petrolio che c'è al giorno d'oggi...
16Stefy75Mi sento troppo felice perchè sono TROPPO AMBITION !
17Roby3Un "Mascalzone" Italiano in Egitto...
18Mr XSilenzio prego.. sto pensando!!!!
19Special kLondra - Anche io so ballare la Lap Dance... O almeno ci provo!
20bryanLa renna Toppo AMBITION... Ciao dalla Norvegia!!!
How to use B-CODE Bracelets
Our B-CODE AMBITION can be used as simple bracelets or as a way to communicate your “status” and your wishes to your friends or people you’ll meet.
The following list of combinations will help you to choose how to communicate with your B-CODE.
You’ll soon find out how useful and easy it is to use our Code-Bracelets to communicate your intentions, even before introducing yourself to new friends.
  • Click to enlarge
    B-CODE Bracelets, reversible and glow in the dark - day vision
    C: 0
    V :2144
  • Click to enlarge
    B-CODE Bracelets, reversible and glow in the dark - night vision
    C: 0
    V :2160



- 1 B-CODE, black
The “player” is emotionally ENGAGED, and NOT necessarily willing to meet new people.

- 1 B-CODE, white
The “player” is FREE, and ready to meet new people, beginning as a friendship
  • Click to enlarge
    ROOKIE Level
    1 B-CODE black
    C: 0
    V :2210
  • Click to enlarge
    ROOKIE Level
    1 B-CODE white
    C: 0
    V :2303


PRO Level

- 2 white B-CODES
The “player” is FREE and wants to meet new people, for something more than just a “friendship”

- 1 white and 1 black B-CODES
The “player” is emotionally ENGAGED, but wouldn’t mind meeting new people, maybe for a “quick” relationship

- 2 black B-CODES
The “player” is sentimentally SERIOUSLY ENGAGED, and does not want to meet any new person
  • Click to enlarge
    PRO Level
    2 B-CODE white
    C: 0
    V :2663
  • Click to enlarge
    PRO Level
    1 B-CODE white
    1 B-CODE black
    C: 0
    V :2633
  • Click to enlarge
    PRO Level
    2 B-CODE black
    C: 0
    V :2646

We strongly recommend that only real expert use 3 B-CODES

- 3 white B-CODES
The player is a “chronic” SINGLE, ready to try anything… really ANYTHING

- 2 black and 1white B-CODES
The “player” is emotionally ENGAGED, but still ready to try any kind of new experience… (without his/her partner)

- 2 white and 1 black B-CODES
The “player” is SINGLE, and would not mind trying new experiences… with TWO other people

- 3 black B-CODES
The “player” is emotionally ENGAGED but, together with his/her partner, they are ready to try new experiences in three

At the end of the day, being “EXTREME” has its advantages!
  • Click to enlarge
    EXTREME Level
    3 B-CODE white
    C: 0
    V :2260
  • Click to enlarge
    2 B-CODE black
    1 B-CODE white
    C: 0
    V :2208
  • Click to enlarge
    EXTREME Level
    2 B-CODE white
    1 B-CODE black
    C: 0
    V :2065
  • Click to enlarge
    EXTREME Level
    3 B-CODE black
    C: 0
    V :1953

to be used without moderation

If used frequently, it creates a strong sense of wellbeing in the person

AMBITION declines any kind of responsibility for eventual conjugal crisis caused by improper use of B-CODES.

AMBITION lifestyle
Ambition © 2006-2024