13 Giugno 2024 - 22:06
Cerca nel sito


Argument 'Index' is not a valid value.

Server Error in '/' Application.

Argument 'Index' is not a valid value.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Argument 'Index' is not a valid value.

Source Error:

Line 74: 
Line 75: 				If intIdGal > 0 Or collRequest("pciStile") = "mm" Then
Line 76: 					Select Case collDati("IdCat")
Line 77: 						Case 7
Line 78: 							collEtichette("CampoOggettoPaginazione") = "Video"

Source File: D:\inetpub\webs\ambitionworldit\51_media.inc    Line: 76

Stack Trace:

[ArgumentException: Argument 'Index' is not a valid value.]
   Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.get_Item(String Key) +271625
   ASP.index_aspx.__Render__control1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) in D:\inetpub\webs\ambitionworldit\51_media.inc:76
   System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +256
   System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) +19
   System.Web.UI.Page.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +29
   System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) +27
   System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) +99
   System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer) +25
   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1266

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.9174; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.9175