2 June 2024 - 4:19
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This Users' Agreement is valid as soon as you've created a Website account.
As a user or a member of AmbitionWorld.it, we keep your registration data will be kept and processed by the owners of this site. The owner of this site is BABYLON di Coltorti M. , based at Peschiera Borromeo (MI), via S. Allende, 1 - 20068 - Italy.

You have the right to access your personal registration data. You can ask for, modify or delete this data at any time in accordance with EU Privacy Directives.

The registration of your personal data is necessary for us to provide the service and to ensure a safe place for people to socialize and communicate in.

It is necessary that you realize that your profile pages are public pages by nature. In the same way, the signing of guestbooks, the writing on blogs and comments as well as the posting of pictures are public communications. Please use common sense and display only what you feel comfortable with.

Your registration data will be used by AmbitionWorld.it for purposes that are related to the supplying of this service. Your registration data may also be used by us to display advertising that is more relevant to you.

If permission is granted, commercial messages may be sent to you by e-mail or text message.

We may provide opportunities for you to connect with commercial third parties that may interest you. If we do you will be provided with details at the moment of presentation.

We may use data in aggregrate non-identifying way in order to measure site performance and demographic representation on our site.

AmbitionWorld.it or her representatives will not share your personal data that wasn't intended for publication, including the data related to the use of this service. Except in cases where explicit consent has been given, to satisfy the requirements of applicable legislation or to protect the rights of AmbitionWorld.it, her owner or one or more of its users or members.

We use Google Analytics for statistical purposes. The information collected is about the pages that you are viewing (page requests, visits, country of vist...) The information is stored for purely statistical purposes and doesn't allow us or anyone else to identify you.
12/02/2007 | Comments (0) | Hits (7.085)

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If you haven't signed in yet, we remind you that the operation is COMPLETELY FREE.
Moreover, all our members will be able to enjoy all the services offered by our website.

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